Connection Pointe’s roots go back to May of 1970 when a young minister by the name of Terry Bailey had a dream to start a church. A church where those who had never attended church felt welcomed and those who were hurting felt loved.
Seven people along with the Bailey family met for their first service in the living room of the Baileys’ home. The church grew quickly. Our first building was purchased later that year. Located in the Meadowbrook addition at 37th and Madison Avenue, the building was very much in need of repair. With overgrown shrubs, parking space for less than a dozen cars and much of the basement full of junk, our founding pastor had a dream for this little white church to be turned into a respectable place to worship. The church was named Meadowbrook Calvary Temple. In the first twelve years the building was remodeled four times.
By the early spring of 1981 the assembly had out grown that humble facility and plans were made to build a new place of worship. With a professional carpenter as a foreman, our present building was constructed by volunteers from our congregation.  We moved into our current facilities in December of 1983. The church was then renamed Calvary Temple Apostolic Worship Center.  Through the years there have been many physical upgrades to the building and much spiritual progress has been made.

Many churches go through pastoral changes every few years, but our congregation has been fortunate to have only two in its history. At the early age of forty-two, Terry Bailey suffered a series of severe heart attacks, restricting his physical activity. After thirty years of serving, even with physical limitations, our founding pastor felt the time had come for him take a step back and allow a new pastor to assume the leadership of our church. Tim Bailey was only 11 years old when his father founded this assembly. Having grown up in this church, his life had always been centered around ministry and church activities. Through the years he had qualified himself for the position of pastor having served in nearly every capacity imaginable including assistant pastor for sixteen years. In 2000 Tim Bailey became our pastor. 

In 2013 Donnie & Kathy Smith were added to the pastoral team of Connection Pointe as they assumed the role of associate pastors. They previously served our church for 15 years as youth pastors. Their commitment to the next generation is a testimony of their love for the work of God.
Our wonderful past can only be attributed to the congregation’s desire to follow God-given leadership. Our founding pastor had the spiritual vision to see and pursue a bright future for our church.  We now continue to embrace his far-sighted vision and move forward making spiritual inroads in our community.  Several years later this congregation continues to be a forward-thinking church.
During the summer of 2008 our church was once again renamed in an effort to keep the church relevant and marketable to those in our community who do not attend church. The name Connection Pointe was chosen because it reflects who we are, and what we are here to do. Connecting God, family, church and community has always been our goal.